I had a feeling that there must be ‘something more than this’

More than the stress, hustle & bustle. The forlorn, gray faces and boxes I saw all around me.

The journey has not always been clear, but I knew I was destined for something realer. Through moments of doubt and clarity, I found my purpose in helping others reconnect with their true selves.

I love to help others rediscover their inner power…

My journey has inspired me to contribute to our collective healing.

I dream of a world where people grow up in a soul-attuned environment that truly sees them. A world where people don’t have to endure the difficult journey I did to feel like myself and uncover the roots of depression and mental health struggles.

It fulfills me to invite the presence of your soul into your life in a real, tangible, profound, and fun way! To help people connect with their true essence beyond societal categories.

It means so much to me when my clients move from not wanting to be here to feeling well and engaged in life! From deep depression to experiencing the liberated feeling of a bird released from its cage. We all deserve to know the hope that our own soul and wholeness can bring us.


I’ve known from a young age that I didn’t want what society thought I should want. When I found myself in my last corporate job in finance - I was reading all the books, listening to gurus on YouTube, going to yoga classes, ashrams, and meditating.

Yet, despite all these efforts, I still felt numb and disconnected.

I realized I needed something more than this, I needed myself and I wasn’t truly feeling myself in any of these avenues. So I went seeking. I sought in Southeast Asia, attended meditation retreats, and visited monasteries all while doing intense self-healing work. At some moment, something clicked.

After years of entering into inner silence and having a deep meditation practice, the silence started speaking back to me. My intuitive gifts opened up in ways that I truly did no know was possible and I dived into self-healing from a whole new dimension. It took years of this self-healing journey before I was ready to share it with others.

Healing Family Bonds: Reconnecting Hearts Beyond Realms

I’ve helped countless people have better relationships with their families through inner child tending, parts work, and influences of systemic family constellations - whether they are in this realm or another.

Bringing Light to the Brink: Transforming Despair into Life

Supporting a beautiful human off the brink of suicide by being a space where their grief is safe, a consistent caring presence, and the multidimensional work to support them to feel their core self in the turmoil. Now they are completely out of that space, and engaged in life again.

From Depression to Love: Guiding Souls to Eternal Connection

Cultivating a space of self-inquiry and soul connection so that this beloved soul could feel such an eternal feeling of love and climb her way out of depression. Soon after she met her long-term beloved partner!

When I’m not facilitating...

I often turn words sing-songy, make weird sounds, and spontaneous body movements. Between sessions, when I’m alone, or when I’m not (as people get to know me better they are like “O! You are really weird! 🤪 I can be hyper and random mixing loud noises, singing, and odd movements as common forms of self-expression.

My creative process often entails large sheets of paper, crying, speaking with trees, and wondering why I didn’t buy more crackers. 

Here’s What You Might Not Know About Me:

I Love Baking Cookies

(Only in the Winter)

I Lived Nomadically For Most Of My 20s

Nepal was my absolute favorite place!

In My Whirly & Grounded 30s

Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising, ⅓ Emotional Projector

I Love All Things Nature And Permaculture

I dream of homesteading and caring for the food I and my family eat.

My Values

My Values


All glory goes to the Divine in each of us. God, the presence of Source, Creator, the wider web of consciousness that holds us all is the very ground, sky, and core of my work. Centering myself and the field we are working in within the GoldenFall of God, the Divine, is the pathway through which healing occurs. 


There is only One Present Moment. Understanding the nature of multidimensional work, trauma, and parallel lifetimes, not on a continuum of time but as a present-moment occurrence is a vital outlook of my work. It is not about looking backward but it is about realizing how these aspects are presently living in our emotional body, energetic field, and internal chemical responses right now. Bringing our awareness to the present moment opens up a multidimensional experience where we can meet inner silence and peace and remember our quantum nature. 

 Metaphysical Dimension 

In this work together we look at the pattern, problem, or pain, not just at the level on which it is occurring but at the deeper and more expansive energetic levels from where they are coming. The metaphysical dimension means engaging with the elementals, elements of nature, spirit, the realm of our ancestors, the guides that are here to support us, and higher realms of consciousness. This relationship with our greater reality is the landscape where we meet and where the transformation occurs. 

Auric Listening

Auric listening is the process of engaging our quantum senses. Opening up this capacity is the medium through which we enter into trance states together and can sense the metaphysical aspects of wound and inner wisdom. In Into SoulWisdom, we go into deep study of what it means to open up our intuitive senses and to be able to listen to and understand parts of your emotional, physical, soul, and mental bodies. It is how we perceive the more than human world.

Love, Intimacy, Courage 

Love is always the salve. The heart of so much trauma is a moment where love felt absent. In this beyond healing work, we are applying love in spaces that are starved for it. The nature of this is intimacy, It is a profound sense of self-intimacy that allows us to be with ourselves in the spaces that are too hard and terrifying to feel. The spaces that feel they will never be held, the spaces that are rage-filled, the spaces that don't want to be alive. Intimacy is the medicine that allows us to be close to these pain-filled parts. And it is courageous to meet yourself in the most sunken spaces, be intimate, and loving with these parts of you that have been discarded, ignored, or hated.

It is with acts of intimate loving courage that we heal. 

“ I highly recommend Anayza…

Her guidance and healing has helped me with past trauma and grief of loss in my family. I’m still working with her my capacity has grown my soul feels centered. 100% yes every time.”



The medicine I offer is not solely held not in this list, but this list helps:

Meditation Guidance

✓ Touch Energy Healing

✓Emotional Body Release

Sound Healing & Channeling

Soul Retrieval

✓Claircognizant, clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairessence, clairaction, clairempathy

✓Systemic Family Constellations

✓Pre & Post Psychedelic Plant Medicine Integration

✓Ancestral Healing, Connection, and Liberation

✓Somatic Therapist

✓Intuitive Healing

✓Divine Connection