Why True Wellness Is An Act of Resistance

From an early age, I resisted the status quo, which often got me into trouble with the nuns at my Catholic school. The principle nun frequently called my mom to complain.

I would overhear my mom’s side of the conversation with replies like, "Well my daughter says he is just reading the newspaper in class and not teaching, and that doesn't make sense to me either." And, "Well you can't tell my daughter and her whole class that they are going to hell." 

We certainly weren’t angels, but we were just children, and the situation was far from black and white.

But that outspoken spark dimmed in high school, when self-consciousness set in.

I was out of my depth in a fancy private school, and the resistance turned inward, morphing into the thought: 

'There must be something wrong with me.'

I know many of us have our versions of going from - fighting the status quo to just trying to survive within it—perhaps going through a few cycles of this struggle. Our culture's lack of naturality and the absence of soul breaks us all down, eroding our resistance to submission - and we get tired.

So what do we do when the world is bursting at the seams, and most of us are too tired and stressed by survival?

I have witnessed that elemental and cosmic forces will eventually force our hand, waking us into a form of resistance that’s really a remembrance of our natural flow and rhythm. Yes, it’s confusing, uncomfortable, and scary—especially when we’re exhausted. But the status quo is endangering the very soul of our nature.

In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, soul-remembering, trauma healing, and intuition ignition are the anchors that keep us grounded in our truth. Moving towards our wellness - truly, holistically, soulfully well within natural law - is one form of resistance.

The need to tune into what truly matters becomes urgent as the external world grows more chaotic. There are so many attempts to eradicate the simple, subtle, ever-present resonance of all that is. 

While the world shifts rapidly, the need to connect with what is constant—what has not come and will not go—becomes even more essential.

This is why, for seven years, I’ve offered the same core offering: because in unstable times, it’s the Ever-Present that serves as the most vital salve.

We are in an overculture of soul loss. Don't take the gas off soul connection, natural law, and coming into your true rhythm! ...And also don't drive yourself up a wall on self-development and healing. That is NOT a natural rhythm. Harness your balance. 

This is what my work is all about.

Learn more about our upcoming Intuition Development Class


The Art of Mystery Amid Uncertainty