
Soul-Loss is an experience of being detached to oneself to the point of dis-ease. This dis-ease shows up in many ways. 

When we experience Soul-Loss, we may encounter symptoms such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, chronic fatigue, high stress levels, burnout, and a general sense of mental and emotional depletion. We might feel a pervasive emptiness, chronic body pain, or find ourselves easily triggered into anger. Additionally, there can be a sense of self-dislike, a feeling that our lives do not truly belong to us, and an overall sensation of disconnection from our own existence.

In the context of Western society, which often prioritizes survival and productivity over emotional and soulful needs, this separation from our inner self is especially prevalent. The societal focus on efficiency and output tends to marginalize our emotional needs, heart connections, and spiritual essence. This cultural neglect leads to a profound sense of soul disconnection, where we feel as though we are not fully present or engaged in our own lives.

Soul-Loss creates a painful void where we feel detached from our true selves, experiencing a diminished sense of vitality and purpose. This separation leaves us in a state of disconnection, where we are not fully awake or aware, and not genuinely living in alignment with our authentic selves. It’s as though we are merely going through the motions, missing out on the richness of a fully lived life.

The truth is, we can feel different.

Addressing Soul-Loss involves reconnecting with our inner essence, embracing our emotions, and realigning with our soul’s purpose. It’s a journey of rediscovering our true selves and nurturing the parts of us that have been overlooked or suppressed. Through this healing process, we can reclaim a sense of wholeness, vitality, and genuine connection to our lives.

We can retrieve our souls, our hearts, our light. To feel engaged and active in caring and loving ourselves. Our minds, our bodies, our emotions do not need to feel like a prison. 

They can in fact feel like the pathway to our own liberation. To be where we are, and feel the love that is possible there is a great gift.

Give yourself the gift of your own Presence. 

I see you in balance,


deeply listening, 

and responding to the call of life 

within and around you.

I know you there,

we have already met.


Healing At Midnight


Letting Go, Letting In, Letting Be